Hierophect's Circuitpython 2021

I’ve been working on Circuitpython for about a year and a half now, contributing to the module code that helps users access chip features. 2020 was tough, but this community has been a refuge against the worst parts of the pandemic, and I feel extremely lucky to have gotten to learn and work on so many different things despite other parts of life being put on hold.

Here’s some of the stuff that happened this year:

I think we did a good job of expanding the platform with some new and highly capable chips — the STM32 H7 with raw power, the i.MX with crazy speed for the price, and the ESP32-S2 with WiFi.

But I think one challenge we faced was providing examples of how to actually apply this capability — this was easier with the ESP32-S2, which quickly inspires all kinds of internet-connected builds, but harder on the i.MX and STM32, which are best suited to more complicated projects that are hard to fit in a Learn guide.

So what would I like to see this year?

Outside of these broader dev ideas, I’ll also be plugging away at my various Circuitpython PCB projects, which I think are best summed up by this old quote from Bell Labs back in the 80s:

The first 90 percent of the code accounts for the first 90 percent of the development time. The remaining 10 percent of the code accounts for the other 90 percent of the development time.”

Whether it’s projects or a pandemic, here’s to a year of wrapping things up.

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